Sunday, July 13, 2008

Some Ground Rules...

I'll be posting here frequently and I encourage readers to interact with their own comments. But the blogosphere can be a pretty tempestuous place, so here's some ground rules to keep things civil.

1. This blog is meant for students and educators and will be used in classrooms, so let's keep things school appropriate as far as language is concerned.

2. Be peaceable. Certainly good dialogue may ruffle some feathers, but let's not be intentionally inflammatory. This includes derogatory speech and name-calling.

3. Don't write about others without their permission.

4. Use care in what information you chose to reveal about yourself. Remember anyone can see this blog, so avoid personal information including addresses, phone numbers, etc.

5. Use spellcheck and try to keep posts grammatically readable.

6. AND DON'T TALK IN ALL CAPS! (Everyone will hate you if you do.)

7. Fun is mandatory.


Barbara "Joy" Michels said...

Nice job, Shawn!

Dr. M.

Mr. McComsey said...

Rule #7 is my favorite Shawn. Look forward to following you...or e-following you!
