Sunday, July 13, 2008

Biopoem Strategy

Here's a teaching strategy designed to get students to read and think about characterization. It can be used in many different content areas, but is especially useful to English coursework...

Biopoem Activity

First name
Relative of... (i.e. "Father of...")
Who is... (list three characteristics)
Who needs... (list three things)
Who feels... (list three things)
Who fears... (list three things)
Who gives... (list three things)
Who would like to see... (list three things)
Resident of...
Last name

Here's what a biopoem might look like for Marcus Brutus of Shakespeare's Juilus Caesar.

Son of Marcus Junius Brutus and Servilia Caepionis
Who is the protagonist, Caesar's close friend, a conspirator
Who needs honor, secrecy, a loyal army
Who feels sorrow over his betrayal,
patriotic, his death is imminent
Who fears monarchy, defeat, Caesar's ghost
Who gives military leadership, important speeches, Caesar mortal wounds
Who would like to see a Roman republic, Julius Caesar out of power, a Roman victory at Philippi
Resident of Rome

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